How is Website Monitoring Done in Silicon Valley?

What is the difference between you and your website? You may apply for a vacation leave but your website can’t.

Whether you are asleep or enjoying life in the most expensive hotel in the Paris, your website is supposed to be alive and kicking. Your website works 24/7 giving out information, assisting your end-users and attracting future money-givers.

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To have a comprehensive website monitoring service, you must have people with you to do these 12 tasks.

1.    Monitoring the server.
2.    Check if the web site if available or not.
3.    Monitor web performance.
4.    Check all web application if they are working just fine.
5.    Monitor the DNS.
6.    Examine the network.
7.    Check the mail server.
8.    Do global monitoring especially if your end-users are from different parts of the world.
9.    Analyze every web page.
10. Report to concerned departments during technical difficulties for immediate action.
11. Monitor the FTP.
12. Monitor the SLA and API.

In Silicon Valley where great IT people are found, it is a known fact that businesses can either hire experienced moderators from outsourcing companies to do the website monitoring or integrate a moderation department within the business (promise, this is very tough so the first option is more recommendable).

We can say that your website is well-monitored if:
1. Your website is running at peak at all times.
2. You get instant notifications via email, SMS or RSS when your site is down.
3. You have a timely report about the performance of your website.

Website monitoring gives your business an improved end-user experience. It also avoids bankable end-users backing out after being not able to access to your website. 

Photo Credit: Kollewin
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