How to Spot an Email Spam

Spammers are the Albert Einstein of the current generation, unfortunately working for the wrong block.

As ordinary people, we are capable of being deceived by these spammers.

An email is more likely to be a spam and a product of phishing scams if the email:

1.    Is unsolicited and from an unknown source
2.    Is telling you of something you did not do, like participating in the sweepstakes.
3.     Claims to be from a respected website, like CNN or Forbes, but uses a Yahoo or Google e-mail address. Note: employees of big companies have their own company email address.
4.    Uses an address that contains long string of alphanumerical characters. Example:
5.    Asks you money in return of a promotional item or a job offer. Where on earth would you pay to get employed or to get a freebie!
6.    Contains a logo that is an imitation. You don’t want to talk about copyright issues and SOPA/PIPA, do you?
7.    Has greetings that are too generic. This tells you that you are one of the hundreds of the recipient of the email.
8.    Asks you to reply stating your address, account password, credit card number, social security number, PayPal account and other personal information.
9.     Body has too many typographical and grammatical errors. The sender is basically not contacting an editor.
10. Asks you to click on a link. Be careful; install computer protection software into your system.
11. Requesting you to answer a survey or participate in a research- then asks you to enter your personal information at the end. See the trend?
12. Provides attachments, but the email says nothing about the attachments. You should be careful in downloading them.

Spam emails are tricky. They look real. They just want to siphon your cash. They want to spread viruses. Keep your eye on these phrases/statements:

a.    Verify your account
b.    You have won the lottery
c.    Bored?
d.    Hey, check this out
e.    If you don’t respond within 24 hours, your account will be closed.
f.     We are from the charity
g.    Bank account
h.    Call me now

Next, test your eyes. Spot the difference!

a.    software
b.    soffware
c.    soltware
d.    softwaree
e.    softwar
f.     softwarc

For company mails that deal with hundreds of emails daily, hiring of moderators to screen spam emails is a strategic move. No business affords to be cheated. That is why spam folders are created.

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