How to Do Dating Site Moderation with Extra Pleasure

Online moderators for dating sites never seek for pleasure. It is pleasure that seeks for them.

As an online moderator for dating sites, you have the privilege to enjoy while you work. Why? Isn’t reading romantic texts of users and approving photo submissions heavenly?
Most online dating sites require members to be at least18 years old. As a moderator, you must ensure that all your members are not minors or else you will be in trouble.

1.    When your site requires approval of messages before these are posted, make a code for approved and another for the unapproved ones. Moreover, review your policy if unregistered users can post their comments as anonymous (that’s risky). Normally, unregistered users are encouraged or required to join the dating site to access pages or have activities within the site.

2.    For registered members who received multiple disapprovals due to violations, assess their membership and ban them if possible. Always take note that they cannot be that serious with the site if they have violated more than one rule.

3.    Try cleaning up data that are not given attention to, to give a room for new data uploads. As the moderator, it is your obligation to look for pictures and texts that are to be archived to create an impression that all web pages and all parts of your site are being utilized by all members.

4.     Have your own personality as either a sexy accommodating woman or a charming tough man (it is okay, you can always lie about your physical appearance if you need to). This promotes a warmer relationship between you and your members.

5.    Always extend to the members especially if they want to upgrade their membership. If they need help, you recommend them services and tools that they can use to maximize your website’s features.

6.    Serve the privacy of every member. You are not allowed to give away some private info gathered during the registration phase.

7.    Talk to your web designer if you can have pop-ups to randomly remind users about rules, procedures and services of the site to ease your job. Some online dating sites have pop ups showing a woman welcoming uers. The pop up may decrease the speed of downloading of the page but helps in explaining certain points.

8.    Pictures are a big deal in dating sites. Before accepting profile picture submissions, remind the user that the photo must be real (not photos of Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie). If you allow profiles with photos of stars, your site will be called a “site for posers” and members will lose trust to each other for not being real. Encouraging them not to submit photos of others may be the least that you can do.

9.    Remind your users how to avoid online dating scammers: “never meet up with a stranger alone and never send strangers money and your debit card”.

10.  By being warm to everyone, you can convert ordinary members into paying subscribers of your dating site.

If you are availing of software that aids in your moderation activities, maximize these features:

          Code generator
          Password Protection Room
          Event chat test
          Avatar Generator and Tester
          Monitor Panel
          Module Settings
          User Management
          Video and Audio Chat Server
          Social Media Connect
          Internet Scam Reporting

Photo Credit: MSHCDN

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